Success doesn't have to be with me, success can't be without me; whale dynamic technology: care about your success first.
Master of Management, Peter Durak once said: The new economy is the service economy.
The service economy begins with the needs of others and the beginning of their responsibility.
Build a new economic service platform that helps individuals with productivity and helps companies achieve efficiency.
The only way to pursue smart technology for whales.

Management master Peter Dulac once said: The new economy is the service economy. Innovative new service platform creates a win-win situation for employees, enterprises and practitioners. Whale Dynamics Technology is a new team of certified public accountants from China and the United States and senior sea turtle engineers in Silicon Valley. Together, they create a global smart account book and build a 5A (automation, artificial intellenge, action, analysis, capability) commercial platform for tax accounting. Financial personnel, business owners, and accountants are heading for a win-win situation. "Whales are widely tens of thousands of people, and they are all happy with the world." AIbooks whales intelligent technology, and we are self-proclaimed by social enterprises.

In Taiwan, most business owners are not technical or business-born, and they don’t know much about tax accounting. Especially in the early days of the grassroots, it is not easy to find employees who are both tax and accounting. AIbooks can help solve the problem that the account is not professional and unstable. The financial can not be timely return, tax returns can not take into account and other issues, the needs of enterprises, read the CD, driving the whale dynamic intelligence combined with information technology pioneers, tax accounting, management law compliance talents, also want to achieve tens of thousands of tax accounting The logistical work can be used as a freelance to pick up children from school in the evening and bring their parents to see a doctor! "Emancipation of taxation, accounting, financial, office work, vegetative workers, and troubles for business owners": AIbooks was born.

Facing the advent of e-commerce and financial technology, Whale Intelligent Technology uses artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, data science, blockchain and other technologies to assemble accountants, intellectual property lawyers, security experts, information engineers, tax agents, and retirement tax. Under the research and development of staff, human resources experts and video vision team, we launched the enterprise resource management process reengineering system, built the fiscal and taxation accounting process reengineering system for the firm, the corporate action office system, the business law compliance system, for investors and the world. Taiwan and foreign companies build third-party accounting systems, walk-through management Tianyi business analysis system, talking intelligent ERP enterprise resource management, early warning system, and cater to the Ministry of Finance's National Taxation Bureau digitalization policy, develop electronic invoice platform system, electronic books From the traditional fast, correct, confidential account system to the "information security protection" premise, automatic intelligence, anti-discrimination, debugging, early warning, performance management and big data analysis of the accounting 4.0 intelligent era. Strengthen internal management and control effectiveness, avoid risk erosion, profit from operations, provide SaaS's most efficient enterprise resource management system, BI business intelligence management analysis, identify internal control design for accounting specifications, reduce business operation risks, and increase business performance. It is the highlight of our system.
