• If there is an error after confirming your credit card details and credit card center, the customer service staff will contact you to confirm the information again. Usually credit card brushes may be for the following reasons: 1. If the credit card usage limit or balance is insufficient, please change another credit card or choose another payment method. 2. The amount of a single credit card exceeds the "single authorization limit" allowed by the issuing bank. It is recommended that you contact the issuing bank to inform you that you need to temporarily increase the amount of the single license and continue to order. 3. The network connection is blocked and cannot be confirmed by the bank connection. Please try again later.

  • There may be the following situations, please confirm first. 1. When you go to the cash machine, you must enter the correct account number and the correct transfer amount. Once any account or amount is incorrectly entered, it will become untransferable. The example is as follows: Transfer to bank code: 013 Transfer to the account, please enter the account specially prepared for this website. 2. Please confirm if your financial card has the function of transfer or cross-bank transfer. 3. It is recommended that you replace the other cash machine, or there may be a problem with the bank connection. For details on how to do this, please see the ATM Transfer Payment Instructions. 4. If your order amount exceeds 30,000 yuan and the ATM machine cannot transfer funds across the bank, it may be because the ATM machine interface is different and the transfer cannot be successful. It is recommended that you can change the "credit card payment" function.

  • No, you don't need to return the receipt. Since the transfer account is generated according to the order, one account will only correspond to one order, we will check the account with the bank according to the transfer account! However, it is recommended that you pay the transfer details form for future reconciliation when needed!
