BUREAU OF STANDARDS, METROLOGY AND INSPECTION, MOEA Notice is hereby given, for the amendment of \"Regulations for Infant Bath Seats Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Chair Mounted Seat Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Cribs and Cradles for Domestic Use Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Reclined Cradles Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Children\'s Chairs and Stools Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Playpens for Domestic Use Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Safety Barriers Subject to Mandatory Inspection\", \"Regulations for Carry Cots and Stands Subject to Mandatory Inspection\" and \"Regulations for Table Mounted Chairs Subject to Mandatory Inspection\" (amendment becomes effective from 24th, August 2021)